Posts in category history

Sabaton Index updates; through May 2024

Since the last update, Sabaton released two videos of full albums. The SabatonIndex is updated with links to that new content.

Sabaton Index updates; through March 2024

Since the last update, Sabaton released a bunch of new lyric videos, some new history videos, and three videos of full albums. A couple of the history videos relate to multiple songs, so those will appear multiple times in the list. The SabatonIndex is updated with links to that new content.

Sabaton Index updates; through October 2023

Sabaton released a bunch of new lyric videos and some new history videos. The SabatonIndex is updated with links to that new content.

Sabaton Index updates; through July 2023

Sabaton released a few new lyric videos and a couple of new history videos. The SabatonIndex is updated with links to that new content.

Sabaton Index updates; new song "The First Soldier"

Sabaton released a new song this month about Albert Severin Roche titled The First Soldier along with a few history videos on Sarajevo, The Battles of Doiran, and the Dreadnought. They've also filled in some lyric videos for past songs.

I've updated SabatonIndex with the discography and videos they've released of late.

Sabaton Index updates; new song "Father"

Sabaton released a new song last month related to World War One titled Father and a related history video about Fritz Haber.

I've updated SabatonIndex with the discography and videos they've released of late.

Sabaton Index updates

Sabaton released a few new lyric videos and a couple of new history videos. The SabatonIndex is updated with links to that new content.

Sabaton "The War To End All Wars" album released

Sabaton released a new album this week with the theme of World War One titled The War To End All Wars. A previous album The Great War was also about WW1; the new album looks at another set of stories from that era, including "Christmas Truce", the story of a truce made by the ground forces on Christmas Eve. I've updated SabatonIndex with the discography and videos they've released for the new album.

The Sabaton Index

I enjoy music that tells a story. True stories are even better. For what has probably been a couple of years, I have stumbled across references to Sabaton and their songs about historical events (particularly battles, wars, and related topics). But I only recently investigated and listened to their work.

Oh. Wow.

They post videos on YouTube where they also have a Sabaton History channel that covers the history behind the songs. They also publish their discography with lyrics and some background.

Who would sing a song about the Holocaust? Sabaton did. Listen carefully to the lyrics, soak in the thunder of the music. Reflect on the history.

For me, a song is more meaningful when I know the story behind it and the words from which it is crafted. So I want to learn the history, read the lyrics, and then listen to the song. But Sabaton has created so much material, from lyrics to lyric videos to music videos to history videos, that it is hard to really wrap your head around it. It really needs some organization to navigate it.

So I made an attempt at it.

Generally, each row of the table lists the title of the song, a link to the official lyrics, links to the Sabaton History videos for that song, various videos of the song itself, and a brief comment noting the topic of the song. They publish multiple video variants for their songs, such as "lyric videos" which show the words as they sing, or "music videos" which sometimes take a more reenactment approach. Or a "story video", as with No Bullets Fly, or even a stop motion animation "block video" as with The Future Of Warfare. I've attempted to be fairly complete in terms of listing all songs for which I found information, even if I didn't find enough to fill out all the columns. I have listened to but a small fraction of the material indexed here, but I've found this structure to be useful in exploring Sabaton's work.

Find the full table at SabatonIndex.