
Sabaton Index

Sabaton is a heavy metal band from Sweden who sing about historical events, particularly wars and battles throughout history.

They post videos on YouTube where they also have a Sabaton History channel that covers the history behind the songs. They also publish their discography with lyrics and some background.

They have created so much material, it needs some organization to navigate it. This is my attempt.

Title Discography History Videos Comment
Karolinens Bon discography history lyric-video Swedish army; 1682; The Carolean's Prayer (Swedish)
1916 discography history history2 history3 lyric-video music-video Boy soldiers
The First Soldier discography history lyric-video story-video France’s Albert Severin Roche became known as “The First Soldier” of France for his heroism and bravery.
Father discography history lyric-video Fritz Haber, father of chemical warfare and inventer of the Haber-Bosch process; WW1
Lady Of The Dark discography history lyric-video story-video Milunka Savić, a Serbian woman who took her brother’s place in the army; WW1
Race To The Sea discography history history2 lyric-video music-video Albert of Belgium flooded the last part of Belgium to stop the Germans; WW1
Hellfighters discography history lyric-video 369th regiment that was mainly formed out of African American and Puerto Rican soldiers, and were not allowed to fight alongside the ordinary American soldiers.
Valley Of Death discography history lyric-video Battle of Doiran; Bulgarian vs British
Versailles discography history lyric-video Treaty ending WW1 signed in Versailles
Sarajevo discography history lyric-video Sarajevo and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; WW1
Dreadnought discography history history2 lyric-video the massive battleship class Dreadnought and the naval conflict at Jutland
Stormtroopers discography history lyric-video music-video The song Stormtroopers is about the smaller, well trained and well-equipped units of soldiers who would break the stalemate of the frontlines.
The Unkillable Soldier discography history lyric-video music-video Sir Adrian Carton De Wiart, WW1
Soldier Of Heaven discography history lyric-video music-video The men who defended the borders in the Alps during WW1
Christmas Truce discography history lyric-video music-video story-video December 24th, 1914; a moment of peace in the midst of war, "Christmas Truce"
Steel Commanders discography history lyric-video music-video Tanks, World of Tanks
82nd All The Way discography history lyric-video lyric-video2 Alvin York
Sparta discography history lyric-video 300 Spartans
Kingdom Come discography history lyric-video Manowar Cover
Firestorm discography history lyric-video Strategic Bombing strategy
The Price Of A Mile discography history lyric-video Battle of Passchendaele, WW1
Union [Slopes Of St. Benedict] discography history lyric-video The Battle of Monte Cassino, WW2
Panzerkampf discography history history2 lyric-video The Battle of Kursk, WW2
Talvisota discography history history2 lyric-video Winter War, Finland
Cliffs Of Gallipoli discography history history2 lyric-video music-video Battle of Gallipoli, WW1
Unbreakable discography history lyric-video Guerrilla and Partisan Warfare
40:1 discography history history2 lyric-video music-video fan-video The battle of Wizna, 1939
The Art Of War discography history lyric-video About Chapter 3 (Planning offensives) of Sun Tzu’s Art of war
Ghost Division discography history history2 lyric-video The 7th Panzer Division
Defence Of Moscow discography history lyric-video music-video V-Day in Russia; Cover song, Radio Tapok
The Royal Guard discography history lyric-video Swedish Royal Guard (Livgardet), English version
Livgardet discography history lyric-video Swedish Royal Guard (Livgardet), Swedish version
No Bullets Fly discography history lyric-video story-video Franz Stigler and Charlie Brown
The Final Solution discography history lyric-video The Holocaust
Night Witches discography history history2 lyric-video lyric-video2 music-video story-video Russian female pilots of the 588th bomber regiment
Saboteurs discography history video lyric-video Norwegian Heavy Water Sabotage, WW2
The Future Of Warfare discography history history2 lyric-video block-video The Battle of Flers–Courcelette; beginning of tank warfare
Winged Hussars discography history lyric-video The siege of Vienna in 1683
Uprising discography history history2 lyric-video music-video The Warsaw Uprising, WW2
Resist And Bite discography history lyric-video lyric-video2 Chasseurs Ardennais, WW2
En Livstid i Krig discography history video lyric-video The Thirty Years War, Swedish version
To Hell And Back discography history lyric-video lyric-video2 music-video Audie Murphy
The Attack Of The Dead Men discography discography2 history history2 lyric-video music-video Battle of Osowiec Fortress
Swedish Pagans discography history video The Vikings and The Russ
Bismarck discography history history2 lyric-video music-video Battleship Bismarck
Primo Victoria discography history lyric-video music-video Operation Overlord, the Battle of Normandy, D-Day
Carolus Rex discography history lyric-video Charles XII, Carolus Rex, King of Sweden
Carolus Rex (Swedish) discography history lyric-video Charles XII, Carolus Rex, King of Sweden
Lejonet Fran Norden discography video lyric-video Swedish?
Devil Dogs discography history lyric-video music-video Battle of Belleau Wood
Fields Of Verdun discography history history2 lyric-video music-video The Battle of Verdun
Angels Calling discography discography2 history history2 video lyric-video music-video Trench warfare
The Last Stand discography history history2 lyric-video music-video Swiss guard during the sacking of Rome in 1527
The Red Baron discography history history2 lyric-video lyric-video2 story-video block-video Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen
The Lost Battalion discography history lyric-video The battle of the Argonne
Seven Pillars Of Wisdom discography history lyric-video music-video Thomas Edward Lawrence
Great War discography history history2 history3 lyric-video music-video The First World War or World War I
The Lion From The North discography history lyric-video lyric-video2 Gustavus Adolphus
In Flanders Fields discography history lyric-video lyric-video2 A war rondeau written by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae?
The End of the War to End All Wars discography history lyric-video Armistice of Compiègne
A Ghost in the Trenches discography history lyric-video Francis “Peggy” Pegahmagabow
Hill 3234 discography history lyric-video Hill 3234 in 1988 during the Soviet-Afghan war
Shiroyama discography history lyric-video The battle of Shiroyama in 1877
The Last Battle discography history history2 lyric-video Castle of Itter, WW2
Rorke's Drift discography history lyric-video The battle of Rorke’s Drift, 1879, the Anglo-Zulu war
Diary Of An Unknown Soldier discography history lyric-video Introduction
Blood of Bannockburn discography history lyric-video Robert the Bruce, Stirling castle, 1314
Last Dying Breath discography history lyric-video defence of the Serbian capital in 1915
Midway discography history video lyric-video The Battle of Midway, WW2
Coat Of Arms discography history lyric-video music-video The Greco-Italian war
Screaming Eagles discography history history2 lyric-video music-video The 101st Airborne Division, The Siege of Bastogne
Metal Crue discography history video lyric-video an ode to the Metal Legends; musicians of metal
Attero Dominatus discography history lyric-video music-video The Battle of Berlin
Smoking Snakes discography history video lyric-video Po Valley; Brazilians Arlindo Lúcio da Silva Geraldo Baeta da Cruz Geraldo Rodrigues de Souza
The Carolean's Prayer discography history video lyric-video Swedish army; 1682
Counterstrike discography history video lyric-video The Six Day War
Hearts of Iron discography history video lyric-video Final battle of Berlin in 1945; Walther Wenck
Rise of Evil discography history video lyric-video Hitler's rise
Gott Mit Uns (Swedish) discography history video lyric-video lyric-video2 Breitenfeld; Gustavus Adolphus
Gott Mit Uns (English Version) discography history video Breitenfeld; Gustavus Adolphus
Far From the Fame discography history video lyric-video Karel Janoušek, WW2
Long Live the King (English Version) discography history video video2 lyric-video Charles XII of Sweden
Purple Heart discography history video lyric-video U.S. military decoration
White Death discography history video lyric-video instrumental-video Simo Häyhä, nicknamed “White Death”
Stalingrad discography history video lyric-video The Battle of Stalingrad
A Lifetime of War discography history lyric-video lyric-video2 Thirty Years War
1648 (English Version) discography history history2 video lyric-video Thirty Years War
1648 (Swedish Version) discography history history2 video lyric-video Thirty Years War
Inmate 4859 discography history video lyric-video Witold Pilecki, Auschwitz
Reign of Terror discography history video video2 lyric-video Operation Desert Storm, 1991
Panzer Battalion discography history video lyric-video The Iraq War, 2003
Light In The Black discography history video lyric-video Peacekeeping forces
Wehrmacht discography history video lyric-video Nazi Germany Defence Force
Wolfpack discography history history2 video lyric-video Kriegsmarine wolfpack Hecht
Back In Control discography history video lyric-video Falkland Islands, 1982
Poltava (Swedish Version) discography history video lyric-video The Battle of Poltava on the 28th of June 1709
Poltava (English Version) discography history video lyric-video The Battle of Poltava on the 28th of June 1709
Aces In Exile discography history history2 video lyric-video The Battle of Britian, non-British RAF pilots
Into The Fire discography history video lyric-video The Second Indochina War; Vietnam War
Soldier of Three Armies discography history history2 history3 video lyric-video Lauri Torni
The Ballad Of Bull discography history history2 video lyric-video Leslie "Bull" Allen
Nuclear Attack discography history video lyric-video Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Killing Ground (English Version) discography history video lyric-video The Battle of Fraustadt
Killing Ground (Swedish Version) history The Battle of Fraustadt
In the Name of God discography history video lyric-video Terrorism
Metal Machine discography history video lyric-video The Tribute to Heavy Metal
Ruina Imperii (Swedish) discography history video lyric-video End of the Swedish Empire
We Burn discography history video lyric-video Srebrenica, 1995
A Swedish Trilogy history history2 history3 lyric-video Rise and Fall of the Swedish Empire; Carolus Rex
The March to War history instrumental-video The Great War Begins; Instrumental (no lyrics)
This One Is For You history Sabaton History reminiscing
Camouflage discography video Jungle Wars 1965
All Guns Blazing discography history video Judas Priest heavy metal band
Shotgun discography lyric-video A tribute to Metal
The Beast discography Twisted Sister Cover
Fur immer discography Doro Cover Song
Langa Bollar Pa Bengt discography Svenne Rubins Cover Song
Nightchild discography video lyric-video
Hellrider discography video lyric-video
Thundergods discography video lyric-video
Metalizer discography video lyric-video
Shadows discography video lyric-video Lord of the Rings
Burn Your Crosses discography video lyric-video
7734 discography video video2 lyric-video
Endless Nights discography video lyric-video
Hail To The King discography video lyric-video
Thunderstorm discography video lyric-video
Speeder discography video lyric-video
Masters Of The World discography video lyric-video
Jawbreaker discography video lyric-video Judas Priest Cover
Dream Destroyer discography video video2
The Hammer Has Fallen discography video lyric-video
Birds Of War discography video lyric-video
Sun Tzu Says discography video
The Nature Of Warfare discography video
A Secret discography video
Glorious Land discography video
Metal Ripper discography video lyric-video instrumental-video A tribute to Heavy Metal
Twilight Of The Thundergod discography
Krolinens Bon discography
Ett Slag Fargat Rott discography video lyric-video
Konungens Likfard discography video lyric-video
Feuer Frei discography video
Man Of War discography video
For Whom The Bell Tolls discography video Metallica Cover
Metal Trilogy discography video
Dead Soldier's Waltz instrumental-video Instrumental (no lyrics)
Album - Primo Victoria (Full Album) audio-video All songs from the album
Album - Attero Dominatus (Full Album) audio-video All songs from the album
Album - Metalizer (Full Album) audio-video All songs from the album
Album - The Art of War (Full Album) audio-video All songs from the album
Album - Coat Of Arms (Full Album) audio-video All songs from the album
Last modified 9 months ago Last modified on Jun 13, 2024 12:03:04 AM