Building a standalone Subversion binary

There are times that you want to be able to experiment with different versions of Subversion. One scenario I've run into a number of times now is wanting to use the new patch feature of Subversion 1.7 on an "enterprise" distro or an older distro. But I don't want to upgrade everything; I just want to use it for a specific task and return to the distro-provided Subversion 1.6 for instance.

Building a standalone binary is pretty straight-forward -- enough so that it would not seem worthy of a blog post. However, I recently found myself spending an embarrassingly long time beating my head against Subversion to get a binary of the form I wanted. And the particularly galling thing about it was that I had successfully done what I was trying to replicate a mere year earlier. So, in the interest of saving others the frustration, and my self a third round of frustration, here are the steps to build a stand-alone Subversion binary:

First, you do need to be sure you have some libraries and headers available. For Fedora, you can run:

yum install apr-devel apr-util-devel neon-devel

Edited to add: If you're building Subversion >=1.8, you will also need to add sqlite-devel libserf-devel to that list.

Other distributions should be similar. I'm sure there are other development packages required, but I must have installed them at some point in the past.

Once you have your dependencies ready, go download the Subversion sourcecode. With your freshly downloaded tarball:

$ version=1.7.6
$ tar -xjf subversion-$version.tar.bz2
$ cd subversion-$version
$ ./configure --disable-shared
$ make svn
$ mv subversion/svn/svn ../svn-$version

This yields a binary named svn-1.7.6 that you can move to your ~/bin or where ever, and you can then use that specific version of Subversion when you need it. The binary will be somewhere around 8MB, give or take. This is a standalone binary, but not a completely statically linked binary; it uses the shared libraries of the system, but has all the Subversion code statically linked to the binary.

This process also works for version=1.6.18, and presumably other versions as well.

One of the interesting new toys in 1.7 is svnrdump. You can build that in essentially the same way, just with make svnrdump or make svn svnrdump instead of make svn. You'll find the binary in subversion/svnrdump/svnrdump.

Now, go, experiment with svn patch and svnrdump and all the other 1.7 goodies!


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