1 | |
2 | length = 4.25; |
3 | width = 0.96; |
4 | bar_slot_diameter = 0.190; |
5 | slot_to_surface = 0.165; |
6 | slab_thickness = 0.132; |
7 | slab_end_thickness = 0.190; |
8 | slab_end_depth = 0.077; |
9 | slot_support_height = 0.425; |
10 | slot_support_length = 2.065; |
11 | slot_support_face = 0.450; |
12 | slot_support_width = 0.547; |
13 | slot_support_side_thickness = 1/16; |
14 | slot_support_inner_width = slot_support_width - 2*slot_support_side_thickness; |
15 | |
16 | cut_margin = 0.0001; |
17 | |
18 | module seesaw() { |
19 | difference() { |
20 | union() { |
21 | // main slab |
22 | translate([-length/2, 0, 0]) { |
23 | cube([length, width, slab_thickness]); |
24 | } |
25 | // slot support |
26 | hull() { |
27 | translate([-slot_support_face/2, (width-slot_support_width)/2, 0]) { |
28 | cube([slot_support_face, slot_support_width, slot_support_height]); |
29 | } |
30 | translate([-slot_support_length/2, (width-slot_support_width)/2, 0]) { |
31 | cube([slot_support_length, slot_support_width, slab_thickness]); |
32 | } |
33 | } |
34 | // ends |
35 | translate([length/2-slab_end_depth, 0, 0]) { |
36 | cube([slab_end_depth , width, slab_end_thickness]); |
37 | } |
38 | translate([-length/2, 0, 0]) { |
39 | cube([slab_end_depth , width, slab_end_thickness]); |
40 | } |
41 | } |
42 | union() { |
43 | // turn the support into a pair of walls |
44 | translate([-slot_support_length/2, (width-slot_support_inner_width)/2, slab_thickness]) { |
45 | cube([slot_support_length, slot_support_inner_width, slot_support_height-slab_thickness+cut_margin]); |
46 | } |
47 | // straight part of the slot the bar passses by |
48 | translate([-bar_slot_diameter/2, -cut_margin, slot_support_height + slot_to_surface + bar_slot_diameter/2]) { |
49 | rotate([-90, 0, 0]) { |
50 | cube([bar_slot_diameter, slot_support_height, width+2*cut_margin]); |
51 | } |
52 | } |
53 | // round part of the slot that rests on the bar |
54 | translate([0, 0, slot_to_surface + bar_slot_diameter/2]) { |
55 | rotate([-90, 0, 0]) { |
56 | cylinder(d=bar_slot_diameter, h=width+2*cut_margin, $fn=64); |
57 | } |
58 | } |
59 | } |
60 | } |
61 | } |
62 | |
63 | seesaw(); |