Blog: LDView - Packaged for Linux: ldview-2-typo.patch

File ldview-2-typo.patch, 1.8 KB (added by retracile, 11 years ago)
  • LDViewMessages.ini

    diff --git a/LDViewMessages.ini b/LDViewMessages.ini
    index 9b474d6..9fab83e 100644
    a b Done =Done. 
    317317OpenGlInfo0 =Vendor: %s\r\n
    318318OpenGlInfo1 =Renderer: %s\r\n
    319319OpenGlInfo2 =Version: %s\r\n\r\n
    320 OpenGlInfo3 =Extenstions:\r\n%s
     320OpenGlInfo3 =Extensions:\r\n%s
    321321; NOTE: the following string is rendered in the OpenGL window using a font with
    322322; an OEM 437 character set (Standard DOS US/Western Europe).  If you cannot
    323323; translate the text into your language using that character set, just change it
  • Translations/Czech/LDViewMessages.ini

    diff --git a/Translations/Czech/LDViewMessages.ini b/Translations/Czech/LDViewMessages.ini
    index b7165ed..f875bcc 100644
    a b Done =Hotovo. 
    219219OpenGlInfo0 =Vendor: %s\r\n
    220220OpenGlInfo1 =Renderer: %s\r\n
    221221OpenGlInfo2 =Version: %s\r\n\r\n
    222 OpenGlInfo3 =Extenstions:\r\n%s
     222OpenGlInfo3 =Extensions:\r\n%s
    223223TryingToDownload =Pokouším se stáhnout %s...
    224224CheckingForUpdates =Hledám aktualizace pro %s...
    225225PartCheckDisabled0 =Pøi pokusu o stažení neoficiálního dílu došlo k chybì spojení
  • Translations/EnglishUS/LDViewMessages.ini

    diff --git a/Translations/EnglishUS/LDViewMessages.ini b/Translations/EnglishUS/LDViewMessages.ini
    index b99377d..9b9c837 100644
    a b Done =Done. 
    310310OpenGlInfo0 =Vendor: %s\r\n
    311311OpenGlInfo1 =Renderer: %s\r\n
    312312OpenGlInfo2 =Version: %s\r\n\r\n
    313 OpenGlInfo3 =Extenstions:\r\n%s
     313OpenGlInfo3 =Extensions:\r\n%s
    314314; NOTE: the following string is rendered in the OpenGL window using a font with
    315315; an OEM 437 character set (Standard DOS US/Western Europe).  If you cannot
    316316; translate the text into your language using that character set, just change it