= About Me = {{{ #!html
}}} Feel free to get in touch via [mailto:elicarter@retracile.net] Read more about my professional life at [http://linkedin.com/in/elicarter LinkedIn] and my [wiki:Resume], but the one-sentence summary is: I am an [https://brickbuiltnameplates.com entrepreneur] and software engineer and I like developing with Python, working on Trac, doing Linux kernel and distribution development, and working with the Free/!OpenSource Software communities. [http://www.flickr.com/photos/retracile/ Photos on flickr] [http://stackoverflow.com/users/100073/retracile?tab=answers&sort=votes Answers on StackOverflow] I help [http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/EliCarter maintain Trac]. (And I made a stab at a little project on [https://savannah.nongnu.org/users/retracile Savannah] that didn't go anywhere.) You can also see my [wiki:Projects locally hosted projects]. While more active with the Linux kernel, I managed to say a few [http://www.kernel-traffic.org/kernel-traffic/quotes/Eli_Carter.html worthwhile things] and got a few [http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/developer/v2.5/2.5.70.php#2570rmk1 changes merged]. I live in [http://www.cityofallen.org/ Allen, TX]; it's north of Plano, which is north of Richardson, which is north of Dallas.