#!/usr/bin/python """ Encapsulate logical Subversion operations so the various MergeBot actors can operate at a higher level of abstraction. """ import os import time import re def shell_quote(string): """Given a string, escape the characters interpretted by the shell.""" for char in ["\\", "\"", "$"]: string = string.replace(char, "\\%s" % (char, )) return '"%s"' % (string, ) def logcmd(cmd, logfile): """Log the cmd string, then execute it, appending its stdout and stderr to logfile.""" open(logfile, "a").write("%s: %s\n" % (time.asctime(), cmd)) return os.system("(%s) >>%s 2>&1" % (cmd, logfile)) def get_rev_from_log(logentry): """Given a log entry split out of svn log, return its revision number""" return int(logentry.split()[0][1:]) def get_branch_info(url, logfile): """Given a subversion url and a logfile, return (start_revision, end_revision) or None if it does not exist.""" svncmd = os.popen("svn log --stop-on-copy --non-interactive %s 2>>%s" % \ (url, logfile), "r") branchlog = svncmd.read() returnval = svncmd.close() if returnval: # This branch apparently doesn't exist return None logs = branchlog.split("-"*72 + "\n") # If there have been no commits on the branch since it was created, there # will only be one revision listed.... but the log will split into 3 parts. endrev = get_rev_from_log(logs[1]) startrev = get_rev_from_log(logs[-2]) return (startrev, endrev) def create_branch(from_url, to_url, commit_message, logfile): """Create a branch copying from_url to to_url. Commit as mergebot, and use the provided commit message.""" svncmd = \ "svn copy --username=mergebot --password=mergebot -m %s %s %s" \ % (shell_quote(commit_message), from_url, to_url) return logcmd(svncmd, logfile) def delete_branch(url, commit_message, logfile): """This will generate a new revision. Return the revision number, or -1 on failure. Assumes that the url exists. You should call get_branch_info() to determine that first""" svncmd = "svn rm --no-auth-cache --username=mergebot --password=mergebot " \ "-m %s %s 2>>%s" % (shell_quote(commit_message), url, logfile) return _svn_new_rev_command(svncmd) def checkout(from_url, workingdir, logfile): """Checkout from the given url into workingdir""" return os.system("svn checkout %s %s >>%s 2>&1" % (from_url, workingdir, logfile)) def merge(from_url, workingdir, revision_range, logfile): """Returns a list (status, filename) tuples""" # There are a couple of different 'Skipped' messages. skipped_regex = re.compile("Skipped.* '(.*)'", re.M) start_rev, end_rev = revision_range pipe = os.popen("cd %s && svn merge --non-interactive --revision %s:%s %s . 2>>%s" % \ (workingdir, start_rev, end_rev, from_url, logfile)) output = pipe.readlines() # FIXME: check pipe.close for errors results = [] for line in output: if line.startswith("Skipped"): # This kind of conflict requires special handling. filename = skipped_regex.findall(line)[0] status = "C" elif line.startswith('--- Merging '): continue # ignore this line for now elif line.startswith('Summary of conflicts:'): continue # ignore this line for now elif line.startswith(' Text conflicts:'): continue # ignore this line for now else: assert line[4] == ' ', "Unexpected output from svn merge " \ "operation; the 5th character should always be a space." \ " Output was %r." % line filename = line[5:-1] # (strip trailing newline) status = line[:4].rstrip() results.append((status, filename)) return results def conflicts_from_merge_results(results): "Given the output from merge, return a list of files that had conflicts." conflicts = [filename for status, filename in results if 'C' in status] return conflicts def commit(workingdir, commit_message, logfile): """Returns newly committed revision number, or None if there was nothing to commit. -1 on error.""" svncmd = "cd %s && svn commit --no-auth-cache --username=mergebot " \ "--password=mergebot -m %s 2>>%s" % (workingdir, shell_quote(commit_message), logfile) return _svn_new_rev_command(svncmd) def _svn_new_rev_command(svncmd): """Given an svn command that results in a new revision, return the revision number, or -1 on error.""" pipe = os.popen(svncmd) output = pipe.read() retval = pipe.close() if retval: new_revision = -1 else: new_revisions = re.compile("Committed revision ([0-9]+)\\.", re.M).findall(output) if new_revisions: new_revision = new_revisions[0] else: new_revision = None return new_revision # vim:foldcolumn=4 foldmethod=indent # vim:tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab